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Owner and general contracting conditions
These General Contracting Conditions – hereinafter CGC -, regulate the purchasing conditions of the different products offered on our website: www.iblevel.com, owned by Ibida Black Level , S.L. (from now on iBlevel), a Spanish company, with NIF B93643807, and located at Juan Ramon Jimenez, 26 (P.I. Virgen de la Candelaria), 29170 – Colmenar (Málaga) – Spain. Registered in the mercantile registry of Malaga, sheet MA-147578, volume 5776, page 84.
Users who make purchases at www.iblevel.com fully accept these GTC and will be bound by them, as if they were written at the time of contracting / purchase.
It will be an essential requirement to read and accept the CGC, prior to the purchase of any product through www.iblevel.com
Ibida Black Level , S.L. reserves the right to modify the CGC at any time and without prior notice. The CGC will always be accessible from the website, so that the user can consult or print them at any time.
The prices and conditions of sale are purely informative and can be modified in response to market fluctuations. However, placing the order by completing the purchase form implies compliance with the price offered and with the general sales conditions in force at that particular time. Once the order is formalized, the purchase will be understood to be fully completed, with all the legal guarantees that protect the acquiring consumer and, from that moment, the prices and conditions will be contractual and may not be modified without the express agreement of both parties. . Spanish will be the language used to formalize the contract. The electronic document in which the contract is formalized will be filed and the user will have access to it in his client area.
Conditions revised as of April 1, 2020
iBlevel reserves the right to deny and / or suspend access to the services provided on www.iblevel.com for reasons of breach of contractual good faith, breach of applicable legislation, of these General Purchase Conditions and / or in cases of fraud detected by this company and / or any of its suppliers.
o MRW: 91 829 66 89
o Correos Express: 902 1 22 333 – 91 327 70 20
o DHL: 902 123 030
o Correos (Ceuta and Melilla): 902 19 71 97
For these purposes, iBlevel informs that the Consolidated Text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users (TRLGDCU) establishes several options to be able to exercise the right of withdrawal. Among them, it considers the possibility of doing it by filling in a form electronically. In order to shorten the times and so that you can make the return in a comfortable way and without delay, from IBLevel we advise you to use that option and fill out the withdrawal form.
In accordance with current legislation, the contract concluded can be terminated, without the need to justify such a decision and without penalty of any kind, within 14 calendar days from receipt of the merchandise by the customer. To do this, the conditions set out in this document must be met: withdrawal form.
The consumer will only be responsible for the decrease in value of the goods resulting from their handling other than that necessary to establish their nature, characteristics or operation.
The right of withdrawal will not be applicable to contracts that refer to:
and. The supply of sealed goods that are not fit to be returned for reasons of health protection or hygiene and that have been unsealed after delivery.
Once we receive the product / s, we will refund the money according to the payment method you have used:
You will only be responsible for the decrease in value of the goods resulting from their manipulation other than that necessary to establish their nature, characteristics or operation.
You will find more information about the return process in the section «I want to make a return» or in Frequently Asked Questions ( FAQ´s )
Returns conditions for private customers
Returns conditions for professional distributors
The guarantee does not cover those defects caused by the incorrect use of the product and / or its manipulation other than that necessary to establish its nature, characteristics or operation. In these cases, the consumer must take charge of their repair. Therefore, the following are excluded from the guarantee:
All the information regarding product guarantees can be found in the guarantee and service section .
Those cancellations of orders that involve a return to the client and that are by bank transfer will have a maximum period of 30 days for administrative procedures, although we try that the term does not exceed 7 days.
All the information about the legal bases of contests, raffles or promotional activities can be found in the document General Bases For Participation In Promotional Actions.
Online dispute resolution in consumer matters pursuant to Art. 14.1 of Regulation (EU) 524/2013: The European Commission provides an online dispute resolution platform that is available at the following link: https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr.
Private copy compensation system
By virtue of Royal Decree-law 12/2017 12/2017, of July 3, which modifies the consolidated text of the Intellectual Property Law, approved by Royal Legislative Decree 1/1996, of April 12, in Regarding the equitable compensation system for private copying, Ibida Black Level , S.L. will have to collect, where appropriate, compensation for the sale of those non-typographic products or devices, offered for sale on www.iblevel.com that, intended exclusively for private, non-professional or business use, reproducing works (books or similar publications, phonograms and videograms) owned by third parties (publishers, producers of phonograms and videograms, performers …).
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the existence of a system of exemption and reimbursement of the payment of these compensations is reported, which is regulated in the new art. 25, points 7 and 8 of the Intellectual Property Law, modified by the aforementioned Royal Decree-Law 12/2017 that regulates the way and requirements to justify the right to reimbursement for those natural and legal persons exempted by law and / or those who without being excepted, they have proven that the purchased product is to be used exclusively for professional use or for export or intra-community delivery.
In this sense, those companies, professionals, freelancers and public bodies exempted in the indicated sense, must compulsorily accredit IBLevel, through the certificates established by the Royal Decree-law, which are within the cases of exemption from the canon to be able to apply them legally. .
More information at the following link: http://www.boe.es/boe/dias/2017/07/04/pdfs/BOE-A-2017-7718.pdf